Portable car heater

Portable Car Heaters 12 Volt Portable Car Heaters Direct Wire Car Heaters Engine Block Heaters


Block HeaterEngine Block HeaterBlock HeaterBlock Heater

Engine Block Heaters & Accessories

Cold temperatures often chill automobile engines to the point where they become very difficult to start. Freezing temperatures thicken the engine coolant and motor oil and this results in the starter motor straining to turn the crankshaft and other parts involved in the startup process. Because the motor oil has thickened due to cold temperatures, it is unable to flow to the parts and bearings that need lubrication and as a result, attempting to start a cold car engine produces a great amount of wear on the pistons, bearings and other parts of your car’s engine. With repeated cold starts some of your engine’s part will wear out prematurely and they are very expensive to replace or repair. A viable solution is to use an engine block heater, which are also referred to simply as block heaters. These devices typically use AC power from an outlet in your garage or home and most come equipped with a lengthy extension cord. The heat produced by the electrical current keeps the engine coolant warm, which promotes faster starts and less engine wear. While most heaters focus on warming the engine coolant, some models focus on the engine oil and others handle both at the same time. When shopping for a block heater, we recommend that you seek advice from a local mechanic and ask for his recommendations regarding which type of model is best for your vehicle and geographic area.

The use of block heaters, just as in the case of portable car heaters, is quite common in areas that have cold winter seasons and in many areas car dealers offer them as standard equipment on new cars. It is common to see electrical outlets at public parking garages and buildings to enable people to plug their heaters into an electrical source while shopping, working, etc.

Some models require installation by a mechanic, as they must be inserted into the freeze plugs that are located in various points in the engine block. If you select such a model be sure to have the installation done by someone with experience in this task, as faulty installation could lead to severe damage to your car’s engine.

Other models do not require any mechanical work, as they simply attach to the engine via a magnet or other fastening device. Some models are in the form of a heat transfer dipstick that replaces your stock dipstick and provides heat directly to the engine oil that settles in the crankcase.

You can also purchase electric heater blankets that are placed over your engine and keeps the covered parts of your motor at higher temperatures than the surrounding parts. There are also devices known as battery warmers that are designed to maintain the warmth of your car’s battery, which is a critical part of the starting process. A cold battery often results in diminished cranking power, which combined with thick motor oil and coolant typically results in repeated attempts at starting the vehicle, which as previously discussed produces significant engine wear and often leads to the battery losing power before you can manage to start the car! You can find engine block heaters at local auto parts stores, car dealers and online. We recommend that you seek advice from a local mechanic prior to purchasing a heater and once you identify a specific model that you want to purchase do some research online where you’ll likely find the heater you want at a lower price than offered at your local auto parts store. These devices are offered online by reputable merchants such as J.C. Whitney, Autobarn.com, Amazon and other auto parts dealers with extensive websites that offer a wide range of block heaters.

We hope you’ve enhanced your knowledge of engine block heaters and we wish you luck as you search for one.

Happy Shopping!


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